Flushing toilets create clouds of virus-containing particles

Researchers used a computer simulation to show how a flushing toilet can create a cloud of virus-containing aerosol droplets that is large and widespread and lasts long enough that the droplets could be breathed in by others.

Using a public restroom? Mask up!

Think you don't need to worry about COVID-19 while using a public restroom? A group of researchers from Yangzhou University in China recently reported that flushing public restroom toilets can release clouds of virus-laden ...

China shames jaywalkers through facial recognition

Chinese cities are cracking down on jaywalkers by installing facial recognition kits at intersections to identify and shame them by posting their photo on public screens, state media said Tuesday.

Dyson patent shows wash-dry of hands from same fixture

(Phys.org)—Dyson, the British design and manufacturing company known for its vacuum cleaners, fans, and hand dryers, has yet another innovative cleaning design on the burner. This time Dyson has come up with the idea of ...

San Franciscans bring startup approach to homeless

(AP) -- On the foggy streets of San Francisco, tech superstars and the homeless can be hard to tell apart in their identical hoodies. But there's a key difference: smartphones and cash in some pockets, neither in others.

Adding depth to the popular discussion of transgender rights

In 2016, the state of North Carolina passed bill HB2, a controversial measure that barred most transgender people from using multiple-occupancy public restrooms. The legislation mandated that access for people was "based ...

Public restrooms ripe with bacteria, study says

Everyone wonders what bugs might be lurking in public bathrooms. Now researchers are using novel genetic sequencing methods to answer this question, revealing a plethora of bacteria all around, from the doors and the floors ...

New loo turns poo into power

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per ...

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