How intimate partner violence affects custody decisions

Intimate partner violence (IPV) can have significant implications for the well-being of mothers and children during separation and divorce. Yet IPV is often not included in custody cases or factored into court decisions, ...

Where legal, voting by those in prison is rare, study shows

The voting rights of people with felony convictions is a controversial issue across many U.S. states—not least because many people assume expanding those rights could significantly affect election outcomes. A study by MIT ...

Asian tiger mosquito gains ground in Illinois

Researchers report that the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has become more abundant across Illinois in the past three decades. Its spread is problematic, as the mosquito can transmit diseases—like chikungunya or ...

New record set for cryptographic challenge

An international team of computer scientists has set a new record for integer factorization, one of the most important computational problems underlying the security of nearly all public-key cryptography currently used today.

Tripolye 'mega-structures' were ancient community centers

So-called "mega-structures" in ancient Europe were public buildings that likely served a variety of economic and political purposes, according to a study released September 25, 2019 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by ...

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