Partisan politics prolong pandemic

Partisanship has eroded public trust in health agencies and exacerbated the spread of COVID-19, according to Christopher Kulesza, research analyst for the Child Health Policy program, and Quianta Moore, fellow in child health ...

When Uber and Lyft enter cities, vehicle ownership increases

When ridesourcing companies Uber and Lyft show up in urban areas, vehicle registrations per capita increase by 0.7% on average, increasing even more in car-dependent cities. Researchers reporting in the journal iScience on ...

Binge watching is bad for viewers and business

People looking forward to binge watching their favorite TV shows over the holidays could be surprised to find that it's not only bad for streaming platforms, but also negatively impacts their personal viewing experience.

After election: making the endangered species act more effective

Following the presidential election, a leading group of scientists are making the case that a 'rule reversal' will not be sufficient to allow the Endangered Species Act to do its job. Instead, they're calling for deeper improvements ...

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