Brazil launches plan to expand mining in Amazon

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro launched a plan Monday to expand gold mining in the Amazon rainforest, drawing criticism from environmentalists for bolstering an industry accused of rampant deforestation, pollution and ...

Tracking inequality in real time

UC Berkeley economists have launched a powerful new web tool that allows users to track, almost in real time, how economic growth and public policy affect the distribution of income and wealth among classes in the United ...

The climate crisis demands courage, not optimism

The No. 1 movie on Netflix in recent weeks has been "Don't Look Up," a fictionalized account of scientists struggling in vain to sound the alarm on a comet that is about to destroy Earth. Using the comet as a thinly veiled ...

General public misunderstands carbon-tax rebates in Canada

Taxing corporations and consumers for the amount of carbon emissions they generate can be a great way to deal with climate change—so say many leading politicians, economists and environmental activists. In Canada, we've ...

Reducing air pollution: Policies that pay off

Reducing fine particle mortality in a conurbation by two-thirds could be achieved at a cost that is much lower than the value of the societal and economic benefits obtained, according to a study by a multidisciplinary team ...

When assessing COVID plans, people place party over policy

When a politician we like supports a COVID-19 policy, we tend to support it. But when a political foe endorses the exact same plan, we tend to oppose it, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research forthcoming ...

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