How to predict future nuclear power requirements

Nuclear reactors will be needed to transition to a low-carbon future but they are time-consuming and expensive to plan and build, so getting a head start on future requirements is key. Marc Ernoult of Paris-Saclay University, ...

Looking at role of prosecutors, politics in mass incarceration

District attorneys pursue crimes and longer sentences at higher rates in election years, according to a new working paper that looks at whether politics affect the behavior of prosecutors and hints at how changing cultural ...

What influences the rise of influencers?

A model to describe the formation of online communities and rise of influencers on social media platforms, based on the quality of user generated content, is reported in a study published in Nature Communications. The findings ...

Politicians in areas with most climate risk tweet about it least

Politicians are more likely to tweet about climate change if they are Democrats, represent wealthier districts and if their constituents are concerned about the climate, according to a new Cornell study. Meanwhile, communities ...

Pre-election polls in 2020 had the largest errors in 40 years

Public opinion polls ahead of the 2020 election were the most inaccurate in a generation, according to Josh Clinton, Abby and Jon Winkelried Chair and professor of political science, who recently served as chair of a special ...

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