How Twitter shapes public opinion

How exactly does Twitter, with its 241 million users tweeting out 500 million messages daily, shape public opinion?

UConn poll: American thankfulness lower than normal

( —About half of American adults say they're more thankful this Thanksgiving than they were in previous years, according to a new UConn Poll. Only 6 percent say they're less thankful, while 44 percent say they ...

What moves the Supreme Court's 'swing' justices?

Whenever the U.S. Supreme Court hands down a 5-4 decision, the pivotal "swing" vote must be cast by the "median" justice (midway, ideologically, between four more liberal justices and four more conservative), right?

UN climate report will not sway US deniers

The upcoming UN report on climate change is not likely to rattle US deniers of global warming who hold sway in the halls of power, experts say.

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