Flying the flag: Does it matter?

Flying the EU flag on public buildings on Europe Day (Monday, 9th May) has no impact on public attitudes to the EU.

Bid to ban cloned foods in Europe collapses

An effort to ban cloned foods from supermarket shelves in Europe collapsed on Tuesday after EU states and the parliament failed to agree a law to control the industry.

License to Tweet? UK may restrict posts from court

(AP) -- English courts may restrict the public's freedom to post Twitter updates from inside hearings to avoid the risk of prejudicing trials, the head of the judiciary in England and Wales said Monday.

Low incomes make poor more conservative, study finds

You might think that in a time when more money is concentrated in fewer hands and incomes vary wildly from billions to subsistence, poor people might increase their support for government policies that offer some help.

Stem Cells Immune From Presidential Pressures

( -- A newly published University of Arizona study shows that media coverage of stem cell research remained generally positive despite opposition from the George W. Bush White House. The study shows that news ...

Study: Bloggers' reasons for writing change over time

( -- While political bloggers were initially inspired to post their thoughts online as a way to help them blow off steam or articulate new ideas, over time they're driven to blog by a desire to influence mainstream ...

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