Most Europeans want governments to help the homeless

The majority of European citizens hold positive attitudes toward people who are homeless and wish that European states would do more to reduce it, according to a study published September 25 in the open-access journal PLOS ...

How TV cameras influence candidates' debate success

As the Democratic Party continues to winnow its field of candidates to challenge President Donald Trump, it's important to remember that the way candidates are covered on TV can influence public opinion. That's become increasingly ...

New scientific model can predict moral and political development

How come today's conservatives are more liberal than yesterday's liberals? Why has public opinion in large parts of the world shifted so rapidly in favour of gay and lesbian rights, but been virtually unchanged on other contested ...

Here's a fact: We went to the moon in 1969

Fifty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon, some people insist it never happened and was all a big hoax by the U.S. government.

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