Young Americans favor reforms, says national poll

The time has come for reform on how the United States deals with the electoral process, the environment and social justice, according to a new national poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion that ...

Projecting favorable perceptions of space

For anthropologists and other social scientists, the space race in the 1950s served as a period of cultural and technological transformation as well as an opportunity to advance the public good. Space exploration marked a ...

Study confirms more media coverage of climate change wanted

Large majorities of American news audiences care about climate change and want more information from the media on the topic, according to a new report from the University of Cincinnati, in partnership with Yale University ...

Political polarization distilled using data science

Despite the pandemic obliterating in-person interaction, Penn undergraduates Emma Arsekin and Janelle Schneider were able to gather and assess large amounts of data for political research, some from sizeable cross-sections ...

Poll: Americans' views of systemic racism divided by race

In the wake of outrage across the nation and racial justice protests spurred by the deaths and injuries of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake and other Black Americans, more than half of Americans believe policing ...

To cut food waste, we may need to pay more for what we eat

How can we reduce food waste? Although the Swiss population are aware of the problem, they misjudge where most food waste is generated, ETH political scientists conclude. The general public support cutting food waste, even ...

America's 180 on athlete activism

For 50 dormant years—roughly, the period between Muhammad Ali's heyday and the Miami Heat donning hoodies after Trayvon Martin's murder—athletes, as a general rule, steered clear of politics.

Carbon footprinting and pricing under climate concerns

Researchers from Esade, University of St. Gallen, HEC Paris, and Columbia University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explores the conundrum faced by firms that want to reduce their impact on the climate: ...

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