Cuts are likely to hit charities harder than expected

Around one third of voluntary and charitable organisations in England receive public money to support their work and over 20,000 organisations say that the public sector is their most important source of income according ...

India's top court considers whether privacy is a right

India's Supreme Court began hearing submissions Wednesday to determine whether Indians have a constitutional right to privacy in a challenge to the government's massive biometric database, which critics argue violates that ...

Wealthier people do less in the struggle against climate change

A collective-risk dilemma experiment with members of the public in Barcelona shows that people are more or less likely to contribute money to fight climate change depending on their wealth. And the results indicate that participants ...

Preventing Australia's biodiversity from collapsing

Preventing Australia's biodiversity from collapsing needs long-term science-based programs that are more complex than just culling cats and foxes, says leading environmental scientist Professor David Lindenmayer.

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