Fly genomes show natural selection and return to Africa

(—When ancestral humans walked out of Africa tens of thousands of years ago, Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies came along with them. Now the fruit flies, widely used for genetics research, are returning to Africa ...

Climate change could drive native fish out of Wisconsin waters

The cisco, a key forage fish found in Wisconsin's deepest and coldest bodies of water, could become a climate change casualty and disappear from most of the Wisconsin lakes it now inhabits by the year 2100, according to a ...

US Marshals to auction seized bitcoin

The U.S. Marshals Service said Thursday it will auction roughly $18 million in bitcoins seized last fall from Silk Road, a website that was effectively the eBay of illegal drugs.

Days of hot weather grip Southern Europe, North Africa

Stifling heat kept its grip on much of Southern Europe on Thursday, driving people indoors at midday, spoiling crops, triggering drinking water restrictions, turning public libraries into cooling "climate shelters" and complicating ...

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