Solving the internet's identity crisis

On the Internet, "nobody knows you're a dog," is the joke behind a famous New Yorker cartoon with a canine at the keyboard. But identity trust is a serious problem for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who are responsible ...

Cybersecurity experts discover lapses in Heartbleed bug fix

A detailed analysis by cybersecurity experts from the University of Maryland found that website administrators nationwide tasked with patching security holes exploited by the Heartbleed bug may not have done enough.

Explaining perfect forward secrecy

Twitter has announced it is introducing perfect forward secrecy to help users protect their information from spies and cyber-criminals.

Next question: can the NSA crack Tor keys?

( —"After more revelations, and expert analysis, we still aren't precisely sure what crypto the NSA can break. But everyone seems to agree that if anything, the NSA can break 1024 RSA/DH [DH refers to Diffie-Hellman] ...

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