Africa faces grave risks as COVID-19 emerges, says economist

The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China last November, and the virus has since moved inexorably to Europe and the United States. The virus didn't arrive in Africa—home to 1.2 billion people—until the end of February, ...

Understanding our interconnected world and COVID-19

In his pathbreaking 1971 book, Barry Commoner outlined his enduring and succinct four laws of ecology: (1) Everything is connected to everything else; (2) Everything must go somewhere; (3) Nature knows best, and (4) There ...

Confronting child trafficking

Child trafficking is pervasive. It is often perceived as a problem that only exists in other countries, but it is a significant issue in the United States.

Is your drinking water safe?

From Legionella bacteria and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, safe transport of mains water depends on best practice and good policy, environmental health experts say.

Cryptosporidium parasite detected in Minnesota groundwater

When consumed in contaminated water, the microscopic parasite Cryptosporidium can cause symptoms of stomach cramps, diarrhea and fever. Now, researchers reporting in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology have ...

Congress wants EPA to more quickly regulate unsafe chemicals

Republican and Democratic lawmakers pressed the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday to act faster to bring more of the country's most hazardous industrial chemicals and substances under tighter regulation, saying ...

US water systems repeatedly exceed federal standard for lead

This railroad town promotes its ties to Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and the poet Carl Sandburg. But Galesburg's long history also shows in a hidden way: Aging pipes have been leaking lead into the drinking water for decades.

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