Survey explores trans, non-binary population

Researchers hope findings from a new nationwide survey will offer greater insights into trans and non-binary communities where little data currently exist—doing for Canada what a similar survey did for Ontario a decade ...

Coal exit benefits outweigh its costs

Coal combustion is not only the single most important source of CO2, accounting for more than a third of global emissions, but also a major contributor to detrimental effects on public health and biodiversity. Yet, globally ...

The long-term effect of wildfires in Canada: Q and A

The most harmful air pollutant worldwide is fine particular matter. In Canada, the biggest natural source of this pollutant is wildfires. Winds can spread wildfire smoke over a wide area, affecting areas hundreds of kilometers ...

Uncovering how tiny plastics threaten our soil and health

In a study published online in Eco-Environment & Health, researchers from Zhejiang Shuren University and China Agricultural University have delved into the interaction of tiny plastics and soil, aiming to provide insights ...

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