Attitudes towards security threats uncovered

New research has revealed a significant gap between what the government claims are the biggest security threats facing the UK and the fears of the population. Terrorism is not perceived as the most important threat to everyday ...

Climate disaster movies resonate in ways that news never will

Like many eco-conscious film buffs, I've seen "Don't Look Up" many times, and shown it to my friends and family whenever anyone suggests a movie night. Now I'm looking forward to discussing "The End We Start From," the new ...

Profound divisions in the U.K. revealed by Brexit study

A comprehensive report on Brexit and public opinion has revealed that the UK is a country deeply divided by class, place and age, and a values divide is emerging which could dramatically impact on politics in the years to ...

Study: Poor women are more hopeful than poor men

According to a new study by researchers from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, poor men's future outlooks are much shorter that poor women's. Poor men also experience more profound worthlessness than ...

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