Related topics: fossil

Oldest Pterodactylus fossil found in Germany

Pterosaurs, the flying reptiles of the dinosaur era, originated in the Late Triassic (227 million years ago) and became extinct at the end-Cretaceous extinction event (66 million years ago). With wing spans ranging from 1 ...

Fossil shark turns in to mystery pterosaur

Paleontologists have made a surprising discovery while searching through 100-year-old fossil collections from the UK—a new mystery species of pterosaur, unlike anything seen before.

Preserved bone of Pterosaur found in stomach of Velociraptor

( -- Scientists have discovered a bone from a pterosaur (giant flying reptile or 'pterodactyl') in the guts of the skeletal remains of a Velociraptor (small predatory theropod dinosaur) that lived in the Gobi ...

Pelican-like pterosaur enters record books

Fossil hunters have found the remains of a pterosaur whose jaw suggests the flying reptile skimmed fish from surface water and stored the prey in a pelican-like throat pouch, they said on Thursday.

The rise and rise of the flying reptiles

( -- Pterosaurs, flying reptiles from the time of the dinosaurs, were not driven to extinction by the birds, but in fact they continued to diversify and innovate for millions of years afterwards.

Tricky take-off kept pterodactyls grounded

A new study, which teamed cutting-edge engineering techniques with paleontology, has found that take-off capacity may have determined body size limits in extinct flying reptiles. The research simulated pterodactyl flight ...

Flying dinosaur controversy resolved

( -- New research appears to have ended a scientific debate that has vexed palaeontologists for almost 100 years.

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