Scientists release natural enemy of asian citrus psyllid

( -- University of California, Riverside scientists released a natural enemy of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) this morning on campus to help control the spread of the psyllid, an invasive pest that could devastate ...

Bacterium Identified as Potato Disease Culprit

( -- Studies tying a new species of Candidatus Liberibacter bacteria to zebra chip (ZC) disease in potato should speed efforts to better protect the tuber crop from costly outbreaks.

Dangerous citrus pest found in California

(AP) -- A pest that can carry a fatal citrus disease has been found in Los Angeles County, stoking fears that California's $1.6 billion citrus industry could be hit by a potentially devastating threat.

The battle to save citrus fruits

Huanglongbing, (HLB), also known as citrus greening, has devastated Florida's citrus farms. Although some growers in China and Brazil have been able to control the problem, California groves are now threatened, according ...

Flushing Huanglongbing out of citrus trees

A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist is providing citrus growers with much-needed guidance about the best times to use insecticides to control Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening.

Could a tiny particle stem the plague of citrus greening?

Since it was discovered in South Florida in 2005, the plague of citrus greening has spread to nearly every grove in the state, stoking fears among growers that the $10.7 billion-a-year industry may someday disappear.

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