Men may feel more threatened by female bosses, research finds

Men may feel threatened by female supervisors and act more assertively toward them than male bosses, which could disrupt the workplace with struggles over power dynamics, according to new research published in the Personality ...

Nexi robot: A matter of trust

( -- What can a wide-eyed, talking robot teach us about trust? A lot, according to Northeastern psychology professor David DeSteno, and his colleagues, who are conducting innovative research to determine how humans ...

High debt could be hazardous to your health

If young people are drowning in debt, their blood pressure may be on the rise and their health could suffer. A new Northwestern Medicine® study has found that high financial debt is associated with higher diastolic blood ...

Handshake makes for better deals in business

Like any ritual, a handshake may seem like a bizarre gesture when you really stop to consider it. "Why do we touch hands and move them up and down?" says Juliana Schroeder, an assistant professor at UC Berkeley's Haas School ...

Cooperation driven by reciprocity, not conformity

From an evolutionary perspective, cooperating with others can yield benefits that increase chances of survival. But what are the conditions that motivate us to cooperate? New research suggests that reciprocity - cooperation ...

Shakespeare's plays reveal his psychological signature

Shakespeare is such a towering literary figure that any new insight into the man, or his work, tends to generate a jolt of excitement in academic and non-academic communities of Shakespeare aficionados. Applying psychological ...

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