Related topics: psychologists

Cooperation driven by reciprocity, not conformity

From an evolutionary perspective, cooperating with others can yield benefits that increase chances of survival. But what are the conditions that motivate us to cooperate? New research suggests that reciprocity - cooperation ...

Psychological science explores the minds of dogs

Dogs are one of the most common household pets in the world, so it's curious that we know relatively little about their cognitive abilities when we know so much about the abilities of other animals, from primates to cetaceans. ...

Information is contagious among social connections

New research using advanced computer modeling sheds light on how behaviors may become "contagious" in large groups, showing that the memory of one individual can indirectly influence that of another via shared social connections. ...

Shakespeare's plays reveal his psychological signature

Shakespeare is such a towering literary figure that any new insight into the man, or his work, tends to generate a jolt of excitement in academic and non-academic communities of Shakespeare aficionados. Applying psychological ...

Gender fairness prevails in most fields of academic science

Women are significantly underrepresented in many science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and attempts to understand why have only resulted in disagreement among researchers, the lay public, and policymakers. ...

Group identity emphasized more by those who just make the cut

People and institutions who are marginal members of a high-status or well-esteemed group tend to emphasize their group membership more than those who are squarely entrenched members of the group, according to new research ...

Sports teams may lose out from having 'too much talent'

As the FIFA World Cup kicks off and the NBA finals "heat" up, new research suggests that there is such a thing as having too much talent on a sports team. The research indicates that, after a certain point, the addition of ...

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