As cost goes down, 3-D printers begin to make an impression

Diego Porqueras' Deezmaker store in Pasadena, Calif., is a geeky version of Santa's workshop, brimming with action figures, chess pieces and jewelry. But instead of relying on elves, Porqueras has built his own one-man factory ...

Startup glasses overlay Internet on real world

While Google prepares to release eyewear that provides a window to the Web, a startup on the edge of its campus is readying glasses that overlay the Internet on the world in 3D.

3-D printing gives businesses a low-cost option for odd jobs

What does a business do if the vintage aircraft part a customer needs hasn't been made in decades? For a solution, Airflow Systems of Capistrano Beach, Calif., turned to Rapid Tech at University of California-Irvine. Through ...

The hidden power of moss

( -- Scientists at Cambridge University are exhibiting a prototype table that demonstrates how biological fuel cells can harness energy from plants.

US deploys 'game-changer' weapon to Afghanistan

It looks and acts like something best left in the hands of Sylvester Stallone's "Rambo," but this latest dream weapon is real -- and the US Army sees it becoming the Taliban's worst nightmare.

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