Second baby planet found using pioneering technique

Monash astrophysicists using the ALMA telescope in Chile have a made a world-first discovery with the sighting of a second new 'baby' planet (two to three times heavier than Jupiter) inside a gas and dust gap.

'Sandwich' discovery offers new explanation for planet formation

Scientists have made a new discovery on how small planets might form. Researchers at the University of Warwick investigated the "birth environment" of planets—areas of gas and dust that swirl around a central star—known ...

Researchers confirm a new forming planet

A study led by Monash University astronomers published new near-infrared images of the system HD 169142, which enabled the confirmation of a protoplanet forming in the system.

Double dust ring test could spot migrating planets

New research by a team led by an astrophysicist at the University of Warwick has a way of finally telling whether newly forming planets are migrating within the disc of dust and gas that typically surrounds stars or whether ...

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