Large Hadron Collider pauses protons; enters new phase

( -- Proton running for 2010 in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN came to a successful conclusion today. Since the end of March, when the first collisions occurred at a total energy of 7 TeV, the machine and experiment ...

Physicists Begin Quest for 'Higgs' Particle at European Collider

( -- More than two dozen UC San Diego physicists and technicians began their long-awaited quest last week in a research facility below the Swiss-French border to find a hypothetical subatomic particle that they ...

Large Hadron Collider preparing 2010 new science restart

At its 153rd session today, the CERN Council heard that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ended its first full period of operation in style on Wednesday 16 December. Collisions at 2.36TeV recorded since last weekend have set ...

Large Hadron Collider produces first physics results

( -- The first paper on proton collisions in the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - designed to provide the highest energy ever explored with particle accelerators - is published online this week in the European ...

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