How a plant regulates its growth

Plants grow towards the light. This phenomenon, which already fascinated Charles Darwin, has been observed by everyone who owns houseplants. Thus, the plant ensures that it can make the best use of light to photosynthesize ...

Transporter protein regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis

In a finding that could be used to improve the nutrient uptake of crops, a RIKEN-led team has identified a transporter protein that is involved in the tendency of plant roots to grow downwards in response to gravity, a phenomenon ...

Dual brake on transport protein prevents cells from exploding

A high concentration of salt or sugar in the environment will dehydrate microorganisms and stop them from growing. To counter this, bacteria can increase their internal solute concentration. Scientists from the University ...

Biologists shed light on how cells move resources

Florida State University researchers have new insight into the tiny packages that cells use to move molecules, a structure that is key to cellular metabolism, drug delivery and more.

How to build better highways in plants

As a plant grows, it moves cellular material from its version of manufacturing sites to the cell wall construction zone. Transporter proteins, called motor proteins, are thought to move these cell wall cargo via a complex ...

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