Protein identified as enemy of vital tumor suppressor PTEN

A protein known as WWP2 appears to play a key role in tumor survival, a research team headed by a scientist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reports in an advance online publication of Nature Cell Biology. The circuitry of insulin-releasing cells

A myriad of inputs can indicate a body's health bombard pancreatic beta cells continuously, and these cells must consider all signals and "decide" when and how much insulin to release to maintain balance in blood sugar, for ...

New method revolutionizes study of metal-containing proteins

Metals and proteins are crucial partners in keeping organisms healthy and stable. And yet the extent to which this molecular metalloprotein team works at the cellular level is not known because the numbers, amounts and types ...

Engineering bacterial cells

( -- Two teams of Oxford University researchers led by Professors Judith Armitage and David Stuart have made the first steps towards being able to engineer a bacterial cell that can sense and respond to novel ...

Replicating Climate Change to Forecast its Effects

( -- Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are replicating the effects of climate change to see what the future holds for soybeans, wheat and the soils where they grow.

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