CRISPR/Cas9-based gene drive could suppress agricultural pests

Researchers have developed a "homing gene drive system" based on CRISPR/Cas9 that could be used to suppress populations of Drosophila suzukii vinegar flies—so-called "spotted-wing Drosophila" that devastate soft-skinned ...

Researchers shed further light onto zinc homeostasis in cells

A research group has unearthed how zinc transporter complexes regulate zinc ion (Zn2+) concentrations in different areas of the Golgi apparatus and revealed that this mechanism finely tunes the chaperone protein ERp44.

Study describes mechanism that regulates activity of memory gene

The protein PKMzeta is known to be associated with long-term memory formation. Neurological disorders such Alzheimer's disease, as well as depression and aging, correlate with reduced levels of this protein in the brain. ...

How does an aging-associated enzyme access our genetic material?

New research provides insight into how an enzyme that helps regulate aging and other metabolic processes accesses our genetic material to modulate gene expression within the cell. A team led by Penn State researchers have ...

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