Researchers uncover new function for cell master regulator

( -- TORC1 is a master regulator in cells, playing a key role in such diverse processes as gene expression and protein synthesis. While previous studies have described the role that TORC1 plays in these processes, ...

Slimming and greening the Chinese food system

On August 29, 2022, a research team led by Prof. Wang Xiaoxi from the China Academy for Rural Development and School of Public Affairs of Zhejiang University, and Prof. Yuan Changzheng from the School of Public Health of ...

New findings shed light on the repair of UV-induced DNA damage

An international research team has clarified the regulatory mechanism of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in recognizing and repairing DNA that has been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) light. The investigators at Kobe University ...

Hitchhikers hinder medication shelf life

Why some biopharmaceuticals have a longer shelf life than others is a problem that has baffled scientists and manufacturers alike. Even the same medication, produced by different manufacturers, can vary in its storage life.

The birth and death of proteins in a single cell

The amount of proteins inside cells fluctuates over time, and this affects various functions of the cells. Cells are constantly synthesizing and degrading proteins, and studies have shown that this "see-saw" effect actually ...

How cells take out the trash—phosphoarginine deciphered

Cells never forget to take out the trash. It has long been known that cells tag proteins for degradation by labelling them with ubiquitin, a signal described as "the molecular kiss of death". Tim Clausen's group at the Research ...

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