Sound, light sources and the thrill of glimpsing the future

Scientific research is a process fraught with fits and starts, dead-ends, dashed dreams, unexpected turns, and the occasional exhilarating insight. As scientists, many of us continue along our career path in part because ...

Living organisms need antifreeze to survive in the cold

(—If you thought antifreeze was only something that was necessary to keep your car from freezing up in the winter, think again. Plants and animals living in cold climates have natural antifreeze proteins (AFPs) ...

Architecture and viral disease

(—Viruses are just bits of DNA or RNA and proteins, but they have proved to be capable of immense destruction to human health. How have they achieved the ability to create such devastating diseases in organisms ...

Hold the ice: Research reveals behavior of antifreeze molecules

Chemists at New York University have discovered a family of anti-freeze molecules that prevent ice formation when water temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Their findings, which are reported in the latest issue ...

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