When the speed of light depends on its direction

Light does not travel at the same speed in all directions under the effect of an electromagnetic field. Although predicted by theory, this counter-intuitive effect has for the first time been demonstrated experimentally in ...

Smartphones -- the grip of death

New research by academics in the University of Bristol's Centre for Communications Research has highlighted the problems of reduced sensitivity in wireless communications, along with developing new solutions to overcome the ...

NRL begins field tests of laser acoustic propagation

An NRL research team led by physicist, Dr. Ted Jones, Plasma Physics Division, performed the first successful long distance acoustic propagation and shock generation demonstration of their novel underwater photo-ionization ...

UA engineer designs better error-correction code

(PhysOrg.com) -- One company already has licensed the technology from the UA, and patents are pending to meet growing computer industry demand for the error-correction algorithm developed by Bane Vasic.

'Seeing' through paint

(PhysOrg.com) -- When light passes through materials that we consider opaque, such as paint, biological tissue, fabric and paper, it is scattered in such a complex way that an image does not come through. "It is possible ...

Composted dairy manure in foliage plant production

Peat has been a major component of substrates used in container plant production since the 1960s. Highly porous with the capacity to hold water, peat makes an ideal rooting and growing medium for potted plants. But harvesting ...

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