Figuring out the 3-D shape of molecules with a push of a button

An international team of researchers led by Carnegie Mellon University chemist Roberto R. Gil and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco chemist Armando Navarro-Vázquez has developed a program that automates the process of figuring ...

Mobile phone accessibility improves, but gaps remain, study finds

Mobile phones are increasingly more accessible by people with disabilities, but significant gaps remain, according to a newly published study from the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Inclusive Technologies ...

Internet of things should be developable for all

Within the next five to ten years, around 100 billion different devices will be online. A large part of the communication takes place solely between machines, and to ensure that they can communicate, the European Commission ...

Firefox 5 beta released for desktop, mobile

( -- The beta version of Firefox 5, a popular cross-platform web browser, now has release versions ready for both the desktop and the mobile browser user groups. The beta does not have many noticeable differences ...

Designing the hardware

Computer chips' clocks have stopped getting faster. To maintain the regular doubling of computer power that we now take for granted, chip makers have been giving chips more "cores," or processing units. But how to distribute ...

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