Early cotton planting requires irrigation

Cotton growers can produce more cotton if they plant early, but not without irrigation. That's the finding of an article published in the September-October 2010 Agronomy Journal, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy.

Rice yields researched to tackle food security issues

A pioneering project in the Philippines, which aims to develop a new, higher-yielding rice plant which could ease the threat of hunger for the poor, is being led by an academic at the University of Sheffield.

New rice research sows seeds for growing success

(PhysOrg.com) -- With rice production in Australia plummeting and extreme weather events becoming more frequent, researchers at Macquarie University are working towards developing simple tests that could help growers better ...

Scientists Find Ozone Levels Already Affecting Soybean Yields

(PhysOrg.com) -- Current atmospheric ozone levels are already suppressing soybean yields, according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and university cooperators studying the effect of global climate change ...

U.S. Crop Yields Could Wilt in Heat

(PhysOrg.com) -- Yields of three of the most important crops produced in the United States - corn, soybeans and cotton - are predicted to fall off a cliff if temperatures rise due to climate change.

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