How do plants know how big to grow?

Organisms grow to fit the space and resources available in their environments, leading to a vast diversity of body sizes and shapes within a population of the same species. What are the genetic and physiological mechanisms ...

Breakthrough artificial photosynthesis comes closer

Imagine we could do what green plants can do: photosynthesis. Then we could satisfy our enormous energy needs with deep-green hydrogen and climate-neutral biodiesel. Scientists have been working on this for decades. Chemist ...

New 'CRISPR-Combo' method boosts genome editing power in plants

Ten years ago, a new technology called CRISPR-CAS9, made it possible for scientists to change the genetic code of living organisms. As revolutionary as it was, the tool had its limitations. Like the first cell phones that ...

Report evaluates food diversity in 10 Mediterranean countries

The Mediterranean diet is underpinned by diverse foods. However, after assessing agrobiodiversity consumption, production and conservation in the region, researchers say that further actions are needed—particularly on farms—to ...

What is decarbonization, and how do we make it happen?

To keep the planet from warming more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, most countries, including the U.S., have goals to reach net zero by 2050. Net zero means that all greenhouse gas emissions produced are counterbalanced ...

How would a nuclear winter impact food production?

The day after lead author Daniel Winstead approved the final proofs for a study to be published in Ambio, the journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Russia put its nuclear forces on high alert.

The independence of pollen grains: A matter of energy

The pollen grains of maize, rice and all other cereals, need to store starch as energy deposit for later use during fertilization. A research team, led by Dr. Ivan Acosta from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research ...

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