3-D scans for the automotive industry

How does an automotive assembly line have to be retrofitted for a change of model? 3-D scanners are an elegant way to find this out. Professor of computer science, Andreas Nüchter, is a specialist for the job.

Czechs open production of batteries based on nanotechnology

A Czech company opened on Monday a production line for batteries based on nanotechnology, which uses tiny parts invisible to human eyes. The batteries are touted as potentially more efficient, longer-lasting, cheaper, lighter ...

Metals smart enough to save gas

Imagine engines that conserve fuel by automatically dialing down internal friction, water pipes that seal their own cracks and iPhones that protect themselves when dropped. Metallurgist Pradeep Rohatgi has – and he invented ...

Smart firms detect their problems in advance

Sensors, data and analyses all help to give advance warning of critical situations developing on production lines. This can reduce downtime by 50 per cent.

Disney merges consumer product, interactive divisions

Disney is merging its consumer product and interactive divisions, a move that acknowledges the shared goals of important product lines like the Disney Infinity video game franchise and the upcoming line of wearable toys called ...

New Disney toys combine high-tech gadgets, old-school play

Disney is launching a line of toys that combines high-tech wearable gadgets and old-school superhero role-playing to keep kids moving while engrossing them in sub-plots from "The Avengers," ''Star Wars" and "Frozen."

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