Researcher studies consumer behavior on mobile internet

"Showrooming" has been a worry for brick-and-mortar retailers since the advent of the smartphone. That's when a customer looks at a product on the shelf, searches online for more information, sees a cheaper price, and buys ...

The economics of database searching

( -- Searching the internet might seem simple, but applying a little bit of economic theory to information retrieval can shed some light on the best search strategies to adopt, according to researchers.

Microsoft, Google in catfight over online shopping

Just in time for the holidays, Microsoft and Google have become embroiled in a bitter dispute over who is the fairest of them all for online shopping, stepping up the battle between the tech giants.

Google, Yahoo call for expanded online drug ads

(AP) -- Google, Yahoo and other Web companies joined the pharmaceutical industry Thursday in urging federal regulators to make it easier to pitch drugs in online advertisements.

iGoogle gets axed in shakeup

Google said Tuesday it was discontinuing its iGoogle page designed as Web "portal," saying it had become less relevant in the age of the mobile Internet.

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