Digital 'wallets' proliferate at cellphone show

Cash, coins and credit cards are so Twentieth Century. At least, that's the opinion of the electronics manufacturers, phone companies, banks and credit card issuers that expect cellphones to be the main way consumers pay ...

The sharing economy's effect on business

Collaborative consumption is an expanding economic force in our country and globally, with consumers sharing everything from cars, bicycles and even agricultural equipment. It happens quickly and efficiently, with a simple ...

Toward additive manufacturing

Automation, robotics, advanced computer-aided design, sensing and diagnostic technologies have revolutionized the modern factory, allowing the building of complex products, from microchips to cars and even airplanes, with ...

France sets requirements for nanoparticles

France has become the first country in Europe to require manufacturers to identify use of nano-particles, the extremely fine grains that are increasingly found in drugs and consumer products.

3D printing to transform the economy, UK report claims

The Government needs a plan for the arrival of 3D printing, to ensure that the UK can reap the full economic benefits of this revolutionary technology and to address risks such as illegal gun production.

Super magnets from a 3-D printer

Magnetic materials are an important component of mechatronic devices such as wind power stations, electric motors, sensors and magnetic switch systems. Magnets are usually produced using rare earths and conventional manufacturing ...

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