Testing smart plastics in real time

Nano additives can make plastics scratch and flame proof, or give them antibacterial properties. For this to work, the particle distribution within the plastic compound must be absolutely correct. A new device is now able ...

ManuCloud: Integrating the solar cell supply chain online

Global demand for renewable energy sources has created a burgeoning manufacturing sector for bespoke light-emitting diodes and solar cells. Europe needs to capitalise on this transition from mass production to more personalised, ...

Cheaper solar panels fuel rise in renewable energy

A dramatic drop in the price of solar power technology last year helped the continued growth of renewable energy, according to a U.N.-backed report published Wednesday.

Robotic tractor to deliver precision planting

A robotic tractor and seeding machine with unprecedented planting accuracy will improve agricultural productivity for farmers and enable cropping on 20% more land, UNSW inventors say.

Researchers build Quad HD TV chip

It took only a few years for high-definition televisions to make the transition from high-priced novelty to ubiquitous commodity—and they now seem to be heading for obsolescence just as quickly. At the Consumer Electronics ...

Sony April-December loss shrinks 75%

Japanese electronics giant Sony said on Thursday that its net loss from April to December shrank 75 percent on-year and added that it remains on track to achieve its forecast of a full-year profit.

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