Plastic parts for internal combustion engines

Efforts to produce lighter vehicles necessarily include engine parts, such as the cylinder casing, which could shed up to 20 percent of its weight if it were made of fiber-reinforced plastic rather than aluminum – without ...

How bamboo could help build a sustainable future

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin's School of Engineering believe that bamboo could be used to build many things from bicycles to houses in the not-too-distant future.

Personalized factory workstations

Tomorrow's factory jobs will be completely different from those of today. Although they will continue to be organized around assembly stations, they will not work in rigid shifts, be subject to inflexible processes, or be ...

Researcher seeks upgrades for cleaner oilsands

We live in a province rich in fossil fuel resources, and great profits can be made from them. However, the use of these fossil fuels comes at a significant environmental cost. The greenhouse gas emissions footprint of Alberta's ...

US campaigners hope to engineer GMO labeling laws

Two decades after genetically modified foods first hit the shelves of American supermarkets, a fight is sprouting over whether consumers should be told more about what's in their grocery bags.

Power walking

Imagine having the ability to charge your cellphone while hiking in the far reaches of Ontario. Queen's researcher Qingguo Li (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) and PhD student Michael Shepertycky have created a portable ...

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