French-Asian firms reveal LNG contract in Canada

A consortium comprising French, South Korean and Chinese companies has won a contract for a liquefied natural gas project in Canada, the French partner Technip said on Wednesday.

Researchers capture wasted heat, use it to power devices

( —Imagine how much you could save on your electricity bill if you could use the excess heat your computer generates to actually power the machine. Researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and ...

Quantum information processing: A step closer

Researchers from Yale, Surrey, and Paris have made an important breakthrough towards 'quantum information processing', which promises to lead to massive information technology advances in the future.

Creating your own animated 3-D characters and scenes for the web

To show spatial animations on websites, developers so far have had only two options: to use special software or to implement it from scratch. Computer scientists at Saarland University have developed a declarative markup ...

Metaio announces AR processing unit for phones

(—Metaio this week announced its AREngine, an augmented reality chip that closes in on the future of smartphones as AR devices for daily use. The hardware chipset being introduced is a jump up for Metaio which ...

Improving software for asteroid detection

(—Alon Efrat and Jonathan Myers of the UA computer science department are working under a new grant to help improve methods for discovering asteroids on paths toward Earth.

Failed explosions explain most peculiar supernovae

Supercomputer simulations have revealed that a type of oddly dim, exploding star is probably a class of duds—one that could nonetheless throw new light on the mysterious nature of dark energy.

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