Moon dust could contaminate lunar explorers' water supply

Water purification is a big business on Earth. Companies offer everything from desalination to providing just the right pH level for drinking water. But on the moon, there won't be a similar technical infrastructure to support ...

Energy efficiency may also keep rodents at bay

Sealing leaky windows, filling gaps in doors, and installing efficient insulation will not only decrease wasteful energy usage, it also may reduce rodent infestations, a new study recently published in Environmental Research ...

Informal care is difficult to combine with work

Informal care has a huge impact on your working life. Informal caregivers earn less per hour and are less satisfied with their job. This is the conclusion reached by sociologist Klara Raiber, who will defend her Ph.D. dissertation ...

Helping young people turn climate anxiety into climate action

Young people today are living with the existential threat of climate change. They are witnessing and experiencing record-breaking heat waves, devastating storms, and rising seas. Moreover, youth are watching the actions of ...

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