Study: Teen bloggers show little risky behavior online

An Ohio State University study of 100 teen bloggers from around the United States found that the vast majority use blogs to nurture relationships with their peers and build a sense of community -- rather than to admit misbehavior.

Boy toddlers need extra help dealing with negative emotions

The way you react to your two-year-old's temper tantrums or clinginess may lead to anxiety, withdrawal and behavior problems down the road, and the effect is more pronounced if the child is a boy who often displays such negative ...

Early stress in starlings found to lead to faster aging

( —A combined team of researchers from Newcastle University and the University of Glasgow, both in the U.K. has found that stress in young starlings can lead to shortened telomeres—which prior research has suggested ...

Study shows family solution to teen troubles

( -- How do you keep at-risk teens off drugs and out of trouble? According to a new University of Georgia study, family can make a difference.

Kids' health suffers when parents go to jail

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2 million people currently behind bars. How this affects their families is the subject of a new UC Irvine study, which found significant health and ...

After school matters

( -- A three-year evaluation of After School Matters -- a Chicago after-school program that serves more than 17,000 students and is a model for high school after-school programs in cities around the country -- ...

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