New fund launched for bitcoin investors

Bitcoin Thursday got a lift with the arrival of a new investment vehicle that lets wealthy and professional investors bet on the virtual currency.

What could Facebook have to hide?

In a controversial move deemed either shrewd or unfair -- depending on whom you ask -- investment firm Goldman Sachs recently invested $450 million in the high-profile, world-changer Facebook. The deal provides Facebook with ...

Bold new model breaks homelessness cycle

The majority of 575 people in South Australia with a history of chronic homelessness have found stable housing and are well on the way to a better life after three years of intensive support under the "Aspire' program—Australia's ...

Chinese loan causes panda-monium in Belgium

Rival Dutch- and French-speaking communities in Belgium are at each others' throats again, this time because of a loan by China of two pandas to the linguistically divided nation.

EU launches 'game changer' space startup fund

The EU launched Tuesday a billion-euro fund to support startups in the space sector with the hope it will be a "game changer" and attract private investors into the key sector.

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