Water key to cooling Australian cities

A group that comprises Australia's top water experts has welcomed a federal government plan to make cities greener and cooler.

Using desalination to address drought

"It's a very interesting time in the water industry," says Carlos Riva '75, CEO of Poseidon Water, a company that is drawing attention as it develops, in Southern California, what will be the largest seawater desalination ...

FBI probing Sony hack, as data leaks emerge

The FBI said Tuesday it was investigating a cyberattack on Sony Pictures, amid reports that employee information as well as new films were being leaked online.

OpenLearning launches into competitive MOOCs market

A start-up that allows universities to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) has opened for business, signing on more than 1,000 students to a 12-week computer science and engineering course from the University of New ...

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