CEO apologizes after Path uploads contact lists

(AP) -- Social-sharing app Path has come under fire for accessing and uploading users' phone address books without their permission. The information has now been deleted, and Path has apologized.

Microsoft slams Google user data policy in new ads

Microsoft Corp. took out full-age ads in major newspapers Wednesday, slamming privacy policy changes at search rival Google Inc. that allow it to merge user data across its services.

Social network Path announces more ways to share

If Facebook is like hanging out at a banquet with a large buffet to feast on, then social network Path is an intimate dinner with close friends. Path is now getting new silverware and table decorations, so to speak, with ...

Britain warns over Internet freedom at cyberspace talks

British Foreign Secretary William Hague issued a warning on Tuesday to countries that try to restrict Internet freedom as he opened a global conference designed to set up cyberspace "rules of the road".

Facebook tightens user security

Facebook on Wednesday announced heightened privacy controls for members of the world's largest online social network.

Firefox backs 'Do Not Track' with online stealth

As concern about online privacy grows, Mozilla is promising to let people cloak Internet activity in free Firefox Web browsing software being released early next year.

All the Web privacy you want

Microsoft announced last week that the next version of its Internet Explorer browser will include better privacy controls, giving users more protection against being tracked by advertisers online. Its initiative, which takes ...

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