Meet the freaky fanged frog from the Philippines

Researchers at the University of Kansas have described a new species of fanged frog discovered in the Philippines that's nearly indistinguishable from a species on a neighboring island except for its unique mating call and ...

Untangling a protein's influences

Most proteins have multiple moving parts that rearrange into different conformations to execute particular functions. Such changes may be induced by molecules in the immediate environment, including water and similar solvents ...

How wildfires and weather affect Portugal's public health

The past few decades have passed in a smoke-filled haze as severe wildfires have blazed across forests and tundras on multiple continents, frequently turning skies orange and triggering air quality alerts. These fires often ...

Will Europe soon be cold?

What will the climate be like for Russia and Europe in 15 to 20 years? Will there be weather abnormalities in the coming decades? Will some areas experience increasingly severe winters, while the others experience hot summers? ...

AI enhances chemical analysis at the nanoscale

EPFL scientists have developed an AI-based technique to improve the chemical analysis of nanomaterials, overcoming challenges of noisy data and mixed signals.

Opening up the black box of heterogeneous catalysis

Researchers from ICIQ's López group present a new method that allows for the rational design of heterogeneous catalysts. After applying principal component analysis and regression (PCA) to the adsorption energies of 71 different ...

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