Finding moons' hidden oceans with induced magnetic fields

In the 21st century, planetary scientists have become increasingly aware that subsurface oceans consisting of liquid water exist within objects throughout the solar system. Because water is a universal requirement for life ...

Helping robots learn to see in 3-D

Autonomous robots can inspect nuclear power plants, clean up oil spills in the ocean, accompany fighter planes into combat and explore the surface of Mars.

Boosting canopy carbon dioxide assimilation, water-use efficiency

Crops grow dense canopies that consist of several layers of leaves—the upper layers with younger sun leaves and the lower layers with older shaded leaves that may have difficulty intercepting sunlight trickling down from ...

Cuttlefish camouflage may be more complex than previously thought

A new study published in Current Biology suggests that the European cuttlefish (sepia officinalis) may combine, as necessary, two distinct neural systems that process specific visual features from its local environment and ...

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