Humans pack an efficient bite, but at a cost

New work by an international team of researchers shows that the cranium of modern Homo sapiens is poorly-suited to produce large biting forces due to an important limitation involving the jaw joint. The findings are consistent ...

Why can we talk? 'Humanized' mice speak volumes

Mice carrying a "humanized version" of a gene believed to influence speech and language may not actually talk, but they nonetheless do have a lot to say about our evolutionary past, according to a report in the May 29th issue ...

Origins of human teamwork found in chimpanzees

Teamwork has been fundamental in humanity's greatest achievements but scientists have found that working together has its evolutionary roots in our nearest primate relatives – chimpanzees.

New Research Investigates How Diseases Spread in Primates

A new international study has investigated how diseases are shared among species of primates with a view to predicting what diseases may emerge in humans in the future. The findings aim to help in the fight against these ...

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