Impact of religion and racial pride on classroom discrimination

Two important factors seem to explain black American adolescents' experiences with teacher-based racial discrimination – religiosity and racial pride, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in ...

India launches first space observatory

India successfully launched on Monday its first high-tech telescopes into space to study the stars, as New Delhi seeks to take another major step in its ambitious and low-cost space programme.

India's spacecraft beams back first Mars photos

India's spacecraft has beamed back its first photos of Mars, showing its crater-marked surface, as the country glowed with pride Thursday after winning Asia's race to the Red Planet.

India launches satellite for new navigation system

India launched the first of seven satellites for its domestic satellite navigation network Tuesday, its space centre said, in the first step to creating a scaled down version of the US Global Positioning System.

India to launch satellite navigation system

India will Monday launch the first stage of its domestic satellite navigation network which will eventually provide services both to civilians and the military and is similar to the US Global Positioning System, officials ...

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