Eagle vs. deer

A camera trap set out for endangered Siberian (Amur) tigers in the Russian Far East photographed something far more rare: a golden eagle capturing a young sika deer.

Robotic food helps scientists understand predators

Dr Christos Ioannou at the University of Bristol has been awarded a five year research fellowship by NERC for the study of predator-prey relationships, using robotic prey to lure predatory fish.

New cave-dwelling arachnids discovered in Brazil

Two new species of cave-dwelling short-tailed whipscorpions have been discovered in northeastern Brazil, and are described in research published May 22 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Adalberto Santos, from the Federal ...

Captured in silken netting and sticky hairs

The great ecological success of spiders is often substantiated by the evolution of silk and webs. Biologists of the Kiel University and the University of Bern now found an alternative adaptation to hunting prey: hairy adhesive ...

Mozzies motivate the movements of microbats

(Phys.org) —Picnic saboteurs or valuable food source? While the humble mosquito is not welcome buzzing around and sharing viruses with humans, it has a valuable ecological role to play as a prey item for insectivorous bats, ...

A new approach to judging the impact of invasive species

(Phys.org) —The impact an introduced species can have on Australian native animals should take into account possible long-term stress not just numbers of outright deaths, University of Sydney research has shown.

Boom in jellyfish: Overfishing called into question

Will we soon be forced to eat jellyfish? Since the beginning of the 2000s, these gelatinous creatures have invaded many of the world's seas, like the Japan Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, etc. Is it a cyclic phenomenon, ...

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