Studying predatory behavior in the bacterial kingdom

Bacteria have a variety of survival strategies to ensure a sufficient food supply in their densely populated habitats. Certain species of bacteria kill microorganisms of another species, decompose their cells and absorb them ...

Leopards in the backyard

A new camera-trapping study in India has revealed that leopards can occur at high densities in densely-populated and heavily-modified agricultural environments.

Study examines conflict between farmers and livestock predators

A new Journal of Wildlife Management study conducted in South Africa has found that black-backed jackals, a similar species to coyotes and dingoes, prefer to eat livestock rather than similar-sized wild prey, which has important ...

Leopard meals—females go for diversity

Leopards, top predators of the African savannah, are known to feed on a variety of prey species. These include smaller and medium-sized mammals such as impala, gemsbok, kudus and warthogs, but they also target relatively ...

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