Dwindling prey bad news for big cats, wolves

The world's top land carnivores such as tigers, lions and jaguars are coming under threat as their prey dwindles in number, according to the first global study of feeding patterns.

Diversity of nature formulated

We humans are affecting nature to a greater and greater degree and this is contributing to the reduction of biodiversity globally. To better assess the consequences requires a better understanding of the environmental conditions ...

Invasive species as junk food for predators

If there's an upshot to the appearance of invasive species, it's that they might provide an additional food source for the native animals whose territory they are invading.

Sea lion strandings: The view from the rookery

For a few months now, sea lion pups have been stranding on the coast of Southern California. So many have washed up, emaciated and exhausted, that marine mammal care centers can scarcely hold them all. But while most people ...

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