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Divided parties rarely win presidential elections, study shows

Divided political parties rarely win presidential elections, according to a study by political science researchers at the University of Georgia and their co-authors. If the same holds true this year, the Republican Party ...

Can data on TV watching predict presidential election outcomes?

A provocative new study shows that big data-derived models developed and trained based on people's television viewing behavior in "safe" U.S. states can be used to forecast the presidential election outcomes in "swing" states. ...

US rejects request to halt Keystone XL review

The United States formally rejected Wednesday a request from the Canadian company that wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline for a pause in the US review process.

Belarusian media claim gov't attack on their websites

Belarusian independent media outlets on Monday accused the government of blocking their websites less than a week before presidential elections, describing it as an attack against free press.

Voter ID law effects hard to pinpoint

Indiana's strict voter identification law may have prevented some elderly citizens from voting in the last two presidential elections, but there's little evidence it kept large numbers of voters from the polls, according ...

Perfect NCAA bracket? Near impossible, mathematician says

The odds of picking a perfect bracket for the NCAA men's basketball March Madness championship tournament are a staggering less than one in 9.2 quintillion (that's 9,223,372,036,854,775,808), according to Jeff Bergen, mathematics ...

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